Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Been really busy planning a wedding...and work always keeps me on my toes....other then that nothing...I wish I could take a break :(
Thursday, March 25, 2004
Sorry found some more neet quizes and junk incase your bored or something :)

-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Hey guys.....trying to get a new webpage up....My Power supply on my computer took a shit because I had to much shit hooked up to it (120GB harddrive, 128mb Graphics card, and like 2 20GB hardrives....) SO for your enjoyment.......I took this test it was 45 questions long....I can't belive what kind of leader I am...hehehe does this surprise anyone else?
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
Hello once again everyone. As you previously know, my sisters graduated from high school. Well...one of them didn't make it. Antoinette "Thoni" Dawn Duffey, age 17, died on June 15 a few days after her graduation. She was in a car accident that slammed into the back of a hay bayler (Which had no lights on, a huge machine, was in the middle of a back wisconsin road, oh and this happened at 9:45pm so it was dark.....stupidity on that person huh?) owned by Dean Oimoen of Barneveld. At the scene they concluded that she had no drugs, no alcohol, and not even nicotine in her body. She was taken by ambulance to Dodgeville Memorial Hospital and treated there for haveing brain swellling and a coma. Later that night she was flown by medflight to University of Wisconsin Hospital in Madison Wisconsin. While in the are she had two strokes and lost all movement in her right side of her body. There she fought long and hard for two days while on life support....and finally early in the morning she lost her fight, and her heart and body just gave out. She was later burried at the Ridgeway Cemetary on June 18. Just 8 days after her high school graduation. If that wasnt enough stress on my family, we then had a fire. Our Combine caught on fire in one of our big sheds (and if you really know me we had a barn fire in 1996). Not even one week after that, my cousin, Derek Bryant had the same accident as Toni did. He went through the windshield of his car....though this time alcohol was involved. He was in a coma for 2 weeks, but they managed to save him. This august we finally had a graduation party for cassie in the shop. Derek came to the party walking. What a Miracle. But, in sadness we shall all pull through. Keep your head up, and be careful. I love you all and please...remember Toni.....Not only was she incredibly smart (ACT score of 30)....but that girl has had short stories and poems published. She was a wonderful person to be around, and I love her very much. And if you see cassie (Since they were so close..inseperable)....please...say hi. Cheer her up maybe. She could use it.
On that note...I sign off....Thank You.....
On that note...I sign off....Thank You.....
Sunday, June 08, 2003
For some reason I keep forgetting to update this. I promise I will update this more. Well FINALLY my two little sisters are graduating from High School. Cassie and Thoni you are makeing me feel so old. And on one more note, my 5 year class reunion is coming up. FUCK YOU GUYS. Im not going to some redneck ass bar so I can see all of you. How dumb. I see everyone of you people everytime I go home. Hence I see no point in joining you. Besides, none of you have ever wanted to keep in contact with me over the years, so why should I care? Anyway...Jim and I had a huge fight last night, but for th emost part worked it out....I really think him and I just need to get away for a little while. We are going to Wisconsin for Cassie and Toni's graduation next weekend, so I think that might help. Just to get away from all the stress. I love him so very very very much...I love our new apartment. Its old and mystical and junk. AND I got two Kitties!!!!! One is Jim's named Spazz, and one is mine named Tigger. Both very loveable, growing faster then I can keep track of, and they are pudgy. HEHE. Imagine that. That and I cut all my hair off. I HATE IT. Jim thinks I look cute, but I dunno
maybe I need to get used to it. Anyway, I hope all is well with you guys......:)
Love Jennie
What I am listening to Now: Dropkick Murphys "Cadence to Arms"
maybe I need to get used to it. Anyway, I hope all is well with you guys......:)
Love Jennie
What I am listening to Now: Dropkick Murphys "Cadence to Arms"
Tuesday, April 08, 2003
Wow lots has happened. Congrats goes out to Jenn and Nick Neumier on the arrival on there new baby boy, Connor. He weighed about 6 lbs. Very cute and of course the apple of there eye. Lately things have been really busy now that it is getting warmer. Been working a lot but hey ya know. We gotta all make money somehow. Jim has been practiceing with the guys a lot. ANd ive ust been around. I dunno. Lately haven't really liked it down here to much. I can't pinpoint wether or not its homesickness, or what. I really dont like it down here to mucj. Maybe I feel that way because no one is like anyone back home. Maybe I am being just a little to closed minded, but that doesnt seem right to me. I dont hate any religon, race, sexual prefernce, any thing like that Im against. Its anyones choice what they want to do far be it otherwise I should say anything. I just get that feeling that no one really cares about anything but themselves down here. Maybe I am being to selfish but I can't quite hit it. Surely there is something there though. I just feel like its just busy busy buisy and you will feel better about everything. Something jsut isn't right. I have started to get nightmares again and they are more profound now. ALmost I feel the pain when it afflects itsself in my drems. Does anyone have any idea what I am talking about? If so or if not drop me a line....I want to hear what the hell is goin on with everyone.......just write me.....disturbedgrrl20@hotmail.com. If anything cool comes about I'll post it back on here... Speak your mind............this is a chance for your views to be heard...
Jenn aka RuNeG|rL
Jenn aka RuNeG|rL
Thursday, February 27, 2003
Yet another long time since I have updated the page or worked on my blog. heh oops. TO much to do. Still lookin for a house, but Im glad we waited till its warmer. NEED to clean house and do laundry today. Things are good otherwise. Got to see the family last weekend. It was fun :). Other then that nothing really that new to report. Went home to Jenn's Baby shower and man is she getting huge. Though I must say Target does a horrible job with baby registries and I hope that no one I know of go there in the future. Buck Hendricksons fund raiser was last weekend to. Fun. Other then that like I said nothing new. Just boring old me...Oh and Happy Belated (February 225) to Jimikens :). No matter how old he gets he well ALWAYS be cute. ALright later. :)
Sunday, January 12, 2003
Well well its been a long time since I have made an entry. Been way busy. Happy belated Xmas and New year to all. Lately been bustin ass to move. Jims been working on a company webpage and Ive been busy babysitting and working. Kentucky was awesome cept I got the flu on the ride home. I am going home next weekend to spend it with my family christmas that is. I got everyone in my family gifts, but I still have yet to get a birthday present for my dad. Yet I have no idea what he would want. Maybe a new badger hat for next football season. I can't wait Jim and I get sometime off to spend in Madcity. I think I am gonna see what the night life is and maybe hit state street for some choice cds and what not. Not sure yet. But definately will make a trip to Noodles and company. I want to take cassie to a Movie also for her birthday, but I don't know if there are any good movies out. I saw The Two Towers and it was just to fucking awesome. I am so feinding for the third one to come out. Its just as bad as a wait as waiting for the final star wars. UGH!!!!! I am planning on picking up the third book to lord of the rings and read it before the movie comes out. I read all three of them a long time ago but, that was when I was 12 and I have forgotten a lot that was in there. In some other bad news Matt (Jims lead guitarist in his band) came over last night to talk to us. He had big problems with Mary (his girlfriend of like 3 years), and he broke up with her. All he really said was she already knows what she wants in life, and Matt being 22, isn't really sure of himself. Expecially with him still in engineering in University of Illinois. Mary being 32 and divorced has a brand new bar and knows what she wants in life. I hope they fix things because I know both of them care for each other very much. But thats between them. I like Mary a lot, she is the biggest sweetheart in the world, and Matt is a really good friend of Jims. I would hate to see these to people split paths because they are infact made for each other and they both deserve the best. Well thats all for now, OH my PICTURES section is now up. Feel free to rome at will.
What I am listening to Now: SUM 41
What I am listening to Now: SUM 41
Friday, December 06, 2002
Today was a good but long day. Went grocery shopping and got some choice stuff to make Jim for Supper :). I also got to babysit Jasmyn for a little while today to make some extra cash for when we go to Louville KY for Christmas. I know its going to be a fun trip, I am going to deal with the Rental car situation here shortly. Then next week we will begin to work on the hotel. It sounds like a lot of fun and I can't wait to meet Jims family, and discover the place where he grew up. He talks about his town a lot, so I am sure there will be plenty of stuff for us to do and check out. Hopefully its warmer there then it is here lol!!! Tonight Jim has to work but its okay cause I can go with him for a bit. Then I will probablly come home early to sleep because I gotta work tommrow too. Lee must be haveing a good time in Seattle because I haven't seen him online or he hasn't called much at all. Undermine is playing in Streator IL, tommrow at Club Grove. Sadly I can't go cause I got to open in the morning, but whenever they go to CLub Grove they have 200+ people there. ITs another CD release party, so if your close stop in and check them out. Should be a good time it always is for Undermine!!!!! Well I am a gonna go and take a nap...
What I am Listenin to now: Some crappy band off Garageband.com
What I am Listenin to now: Some crappy band off Garageband.com
Thursday, December 05, 2002
What a great weekend. Got to go home and see all of my family, and TINY!!!!! Jim took me to Milwaukee with Pee to see Mudvayne at the Rave. It was so sweet of him. The concert sucked but I got to spend time with Jim which is all that really counts. My family loves him so much, they were so happy to see him. Cassie was really happy because we took her out to eat on Saturday then sat in the hot tub with my COusins. All in all it was a great weekend. Lots and lots of food (I should know we had to take half of it home with us lol). This week one of our roomates took off to Seatlle for a buisness trip. I hope he has a safe and fun trip he really needs it. Other then that nothing new I guess....cept jim's band had a good break and I hope everything works out for them. Well this is such a great day, im so going to snuggle up to jim now...hehe Bye bye!!!
What I am Listening to Now: Deftones
What I am Listening to Now: Deftones
Friday, November 29, 2002
Today has been a great day so far...was so soft wakeing up in the bed this morning. Though the wind last night scared the crap outta me. It just started right up..sounded like a heard of Elephants. Happy belated THanksgiving to everyone...I hope that you all had your fill of Turkey and Crannaberries!!! Today we go home to Barneveld WI. I cant wait to see everyone, especially my dog Tiny. She is so adorable.....Shes a smart ass littlle Jack Russel Terrior.....but shes a lil baby hehehe. Though she has so much energy that she doesnt know what to do lol. But she loves me. hehe.
Whoo Mudvayne in Milwaukee tonight another long long drive, but it will be worth seeing a show at the Rave again!
Whoo Mudvayne in Milwaukee tonight another long long drive, but it will be worth seeing a show at the Rave again!
Monday, November 25, 2002
Wha HOO!!!!!!!!!!! Excellent news!!!!@!!!!!!!!!! Pee just got a hold of me and said she is coming out for thanksgiving weekend back home in good ole wisconsin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And is Sara comes home, you know what that means alright a Mafia Gommerdog Reunion. KICK ASS. Hopefully we can all catch Mudvayne at the Rave in Milwaukee Friday night, then go clubbing or something on Saturday. Either way I can't wait I miss my friends so much!!!!! That so just made my day. Lately around here its been really hard finding anyone to talk to or even consider to be friends, thats why when my old friends back home make time for me, I get extremly excited!!!!! Its so hard to find friends like the ones I have. Always willing to stick there neck out, defend me, and always there when I need a shoulder to cry on. GOD BLESS THEM!!!!! It is sad though that Christina has seem to cut of all communication with me, so I guess after 17 years are friendship has split ways. I don't really blame anyone, no teven myself. We are just two way differnt people, with differnt goals, and differnt aspects of life. It could have ended a lot worse, such as screaming and what not, but even when we were mad at each other that has never been our style. We have always been adults about things, and thats the way it ended....very formally. It does still hurt (I mean come on 17 years that is a really long time to be friends) but, God has a purpose for everything, and we all have to deal with it. Maybe someday, but for now, no. You can't let things like that get you down. I thought the heart felt blog entry that I begged her to read (See entry date 11/8/2002) and spent a lot of time on might have mended things, but I haven't heard anything since.....
Sunday, November 24, 2002
SOrry I haven't posted in a while...I have been really busy trying to get everythign ready to go back home for Thanksgiving and go to Kentucky for Christmas to meet Jims family. I am really extremly nervous about meeting Jim's mother. I mean, she has to be really highly intelligent, and a sweet person......Look how Jim turned out he is a huge sweetheart and he is so bright! I just keep haveing these dreams, that I say something stupid to disappoint her, or make her feel that I am not good enough for Jim. And I haven't even met her. I just really hope she sees how much I love her son, how much I want to take care of him, and that I would NEVER intentionally or unintentionaly hurt him in anyway. I love Jim so much, it would kill me to hurt him.....it would seriously make my world stop turning if I did anything to hurt him or this relationship. I want to be a girlfriend he can be proud of, and not have to worry about me going out on him (which he told me the other day he has NEVER thought about that). I want him to be able to do anything he wants to and have my full support about it. I really want to spend the rest of my life with him, but I have a really hard time talking about it. Anytime the "m" word comes up, or anything to that effect I feel horrible. Mainly because I don't want to pressure him, or myself into anything. Expecially since he has been married before. I want him to know that I am the one, and not have any doubts what so ever about us. I want both of us to come to it on our own terms and not have to worry if the other isn't ready yet. I just really don't want to pressure him, I want Jim to know that no matter what I love him with all my heart.....and when he is ready to talk about it, then I will gladly listen with an open ear......
Saturday, November 16, 2002
Ahh man I just took this quiz, you all should try it!!
If i was a Bodily Excretment i would be: |
kind of Excretment are you? |
Well not much today. Undermine plays in Marselles IL, so if you live close why not come check them out? Its in the bar Cat nips right off the main street across from the Fire station. I dont feel very good but its understandable why. Won't go into details. Not much really to say. Im pretty boring today.
What i'm listening to Now: Mudvaynes New Realease.
What i'm listening to Now: Mudvaynes New Realease.
Thursday, November 14, 2002
Ick. Its finally starting to feel like fall out. Its pouring outside right now. But it had to come sometime. I am still debateing wether or not to go to the show in Marselles. I think it would be a good idea to go, but by the time the bar closes and I get back home to go to sleep I only get a few hours of sleep before I have to get back up to go to work. Grrrrr decisions desicions....And Im also kinda ticked (Its not VJ's fault) that my graphic card isnt HERE yet!!!! I've waited for almost a week and a half and I still havent got it. Damn post office (and I can say that cause my dad works for em lol). Maybe its because of Vetrans day and the post office is a little backed up. I STILL WANT IT THOUGH!!!!!!! Last night I built to magic the gathering decks with what limited cards I have. My Green deck played relativly well considering its the first deck I have actually got to work. THe Black deck that I made I made quickly. I even got Jim to play with me! It was a lot of fun. Jim is also one of the fastest learners of the game I have ever seen. I am really glad he enjoys playing. It now gives us something else to do together, that we both enjoy. I think he even wants to play tonight as well!!!!!! I told him a while ago that if the geeks had gotten to him sooner, he would have been HUGE into gameing. But I am honestly glad they didn't because he wouldn't be the person he is today. He is so cute, and I love him very much. You should have seen him sleeping last night. He does this lil snore and druel thing that is soooooooooooo aluring. He gently pushes air through his nose and makes the cutest little snores. Oh and the faces he makes!!! I could watch him for hours and not get bored. But on that note, I need to get going. Have a great day!
What I am Listening to Now: Artist: Weezer Album: Pinkerton Song: Pink Triangle
What I am Listening to Now: Artist: Weezer Album: Pinkerton Song: Pink Triangle
Wednesday, November 13, 2002
Today was fun. It was my day off which was really nice. Bailey was being a little shit this morning. She was running all over the place when I woke up!!!!! I think she just wanted to go outside really badly and chase Mr. squirel. I am still waiting for my graphics card. I do not know why its takeing so long, but its free so I can't bitch to much. I guess I will just have to figure out a differnt way of getting one. Last night was really nice. Jim and I had a long talk and we hadn't had one in a while. Mainly about whats been bothering us, and how well our relationship as a whole is doing. He is so sweet. He doesn't even have to try most of the time. Like today he got home from work, yet he made my lunch. Now how many guys would do that??? Not to many! He is so cute to. Everytime he looks at me he has these soft eyes that just makes my heart melt and a smile pop out of me. Its great haveing someone like that around all the time. Expecially when your haveing a bad day. I give him tons of credit for putting up with me. He honestly does it very well. Even when I snap at him for a little thing, or for somethign he has no control over, he always tries to fix it. That is why no matter what decision he makes on anything I am behind him 1000000%. It's supposed to be that way though. Trust, companionship, and love aren't always enough. Beliving in someone's choices other then your own is a huge step in a relationship. Because that is why most relationships and marriages don't work out. Its because they are extremly selfish and want what they want first, and are unwilling to compromise. For Jim though, I would compromise anything as long as it makes him happy, because I truly love him!!!
Tuesday, November 12, 2002
Today was okay. I had way to much Coffee. Dieareah of the mouth!!! Not much today just finishing up laundry. Hopefully I get to see Undermine play this weekend. ITs kinda doubtful since I got put on the schedule for sunday. Sucky but hey ya know lol. Got some perverted e-mails from my mom today lol. Some of the things she sends me I don't think her daughter should see!!! I got an e-mail from Jen Neumier the other day. She is still haveing trouble with the doctors and her pregnancy. It sucks cause now they think she is farther along then first thought. Before they were telling her she wasn't pregnant and she was HUGE!!!! Not to mention her cousin just died. But I hope it all works out in the end for her. Shes a really good person and deserves to have a decent family. Well thats about it! L8r
What I am listening to Now: Nothing.......
What I am listening to Now: Nothing.......
Monday, November 11, 2002
TOday we clean HOUSE!!!!!! Yay!!! Jim and I got bugs up our asses, and decided to fully clean the house. We got sick of it, and we knew after many attempts at trying to clean it, that hopeing that our roomate would pitch in just didn't work. Its like a new house hehehe. Smells all purdy now. Besides the holes in the carpet, the floor looks new lol! Today was a good day, not really much to tell other then it got colder then a witches tity out. Went home this weekend to start planning our trip to Ireland. I can't wait. From the sounds of it we are going to stay in a castle and all that jazz. I also got to meet up with my friend Vedder who I haven't seen in almost 2 years. We were roomates in college up at Mount Scenario in Ladysmith WI. Good times!! We went to a basketball game and watch the lady badgers get there butt HAMMERED. THey aren't gonna win a game this year I am afraid. I guess that is what you call a rebuilding year! Everyone has them (Yes even Barneveld Lady Eagles Basketball has a rebuilding year, they lost most of there games last year lol) even all pro sports team, like the brewers, who have been rebuilding for almost 10 years now lol. I also found out that Mudvaye will be playing the Expo hall in Madison WI when we go home for thanksgiving supper the weekend after thanksgiving. I hope we can go I love Mudvayne!!!! Not to mention taproot rocks pretty damn good too. ANyway back to cleaning!!!!!
What I am Listening to Now: Artist: Led Zeppelin Album: IV Song: Black Dog
What I am Listening to Now: Artist: Led Zeppelin Album: IV Song: Black Dog
Friday, November 08, 2002
Once again a beautiful day out! Its so warm, you don't need a jacket. If I had someone to play catch with and my glove down here Id be outside playing catch. Its not very often in November you get to be outside when its absolutely gorgeous out! Haven't really done much today. I did however get the oil changed in my car, thanks to Jeff and Ely. Those guys are halarious, and there so nice to! We just bought the oil and the filter and they changed the oil for me and didnt charge me for the labor! SO thanks again guys that was really cool of you! I am thinking about going home tonight maybe. Not sure yet. Need to get a hold of vedder and see if she is coming down. If she is I think its worth the pilgrimage back home. I don't know. Jim has been so good to me this week with my car and all that I think I should stay the weekend here, even though he is telling me to go home cause he wants me to see my old friends and my family. We shall see though. Christina (who is an old friend of mine) wrote a very heated e-mail to me because of a forward. We haven't been getting along lately (for reasons I will not explain because I feel its between me and her and no one else, I don't need rumors flying around that she did this, I did that, she said that and I said this, just makes the mending process a lot more difficult, and may destroy it as well I know you can understand that), and I sent a forward that had questions on it and answers. One of the questions was who wouldn't respond. And I put "Christina. We all know why she won't respond :)". Basically the reason for putting the smilie face was to let people know that I didn't expect her to respond. And all of the people on my forward list know that me and her aren't getting a long so well right now. Nothing else but that. Honestly no one on my list thought or said anything about it. But I responded to her heated e-mail calmly and nicely. I used to be one of those people that when I got into a fight I'd slander them left and right. I realise though (I am not condoneing her for slandering me or anything else like that) that she has many things on her agenda (School, family, probablly work, and baby things [for another friend not her]) that maybe she just needed to lash out at me to get some stress out or something. So by understanding that I am willing to give her the benifit of the doubt as long as she needs it because, before this, we were good friends, for a long time. Maybe we just need to sit down with a cup of coffee, for a few hours and just discuss (rationally) about what went wrong, how maybe to fix it or should we fix it. Because I guess this e-mail thing just isnt working to fix anything really. Just makeing things a lot more complicated then they need to be. But I figure that i am old enough now I should give people enough credit to answer them wether they slander me or not. I don't know maybe things will get worked out, maybe this was all just one big misunderstanding, or maybe both of us just needed a little time away from each other. I haven't given up on the friend, and I don't know if she has, I can't read her mind, and I don't think its right of me to ask her. So until then I think I should just take things slow, and maybe someday we can give each others thoughts and feelings shared another chance. But its going to take time, and from what I see, we have time, we just need to utilize it.
What I'm Listening to Now: Artist: Alien Ant Farm Album: (Self Titled) ALien Ant Farm Song: Movies
What I'm Listening to Now: Artist: Alien Ant Farm Album: (Self Titled) ALien Ant Farm Song: Movies
Thursday, November 07, 2002
Well folks today was an AWESOME day. My car is running fine now. No need to fix anything. Thank god. I was really worried about that but hey. I love my dreamcast. I had almost forgotten how much I love it. Sega made a wonderful gameing system. Its to bad that its gone forever, but hey, cant have everything in life. Jim was so sweet. The other day he went out and baught me a dreamcast. No ones ever done that for me. I love him so much. He bought Jet Grind Radio which is one of my favorite games (besides THPS 1 and 2 of course :)) We also found A kick ass star wars game called Jedi something or other, and Test Drive 6 (That game is so awesome on Playstation 1 that we couldn't pass it up). Besides where else can I wrecklessly drive a purple viper in the middle of Italy? I was just reading online that they were going to stop Phantasy Star Online this winter. That really sucks cause im sorry, but PSO kicks Everquests behind. I loved that game. It was so nice out today! The wind was gently blowing, and the 60 degree temps with that beautiful fall orange sunshine ugh makes me happy to be alive! I was thinking of going home this weekend and meeting up with my old friend Vedds, but due to circumstances I can't do it. I really wish I could I miss her! Besides ive never drank with her when I have actually been of age to drink! Back in school she could drink anyone under the table. We had some fun times. Like the time we were out in the hallway and I got the fun idea of ripping off these plastic linings and useing them as Jedi swords. After we had smashed them into what seemed a THOUSAND peices we heard the maid of the dorms barreling down the hallway like a freight train. We just looked at each other, picked up as many peices of the broken lining and jumped into our room onto her bed trying to heatedly toss them out the window into there cold world below. Next vedds somehow squeezed out from underneath me and made a B line and slammed and locked the door. It took every ounce of strength and Jedi mobility not to crack open laughing and give ourselves away to the darkside. Needless to say we ended up not getting into trouble, but figureing out how to play soccer in a small confined hallway the next day! Some of the stories I could tell you!!! Man I am such a geek with all the star wars references and all.....But everyone has some geek in them even people who dont like to awknowledge it. I also have been playing a lot of Magic the Gathering lately. I thought I lost the passion to play, but I found out a couple of people who play battle mage around here. Since my ex stole most of my cards and keeps them for Relationship damage calateral, I guess I will never see them again. But all the players I nice to me around here, and said they would help me out in the deck department with my limited amount of cards. Anyway, im going to watch Jims kick the empires ass some more....
What I'm Listening to Now: Artist:John Williams Album: Star War's Episode I Sound Track Song: The Death March :)
What I'm Listening to Now: Artist:John Williams Album: Star War's Episode I Sound Track Song: The Death March :)
Wednesday, November 06, 2002
Well if things couldn't get any worse other then people dying, my cars fuel pump took a big shit. All I have to say is thank GOD for jim because apperntly he can fix it.Other then that things are okay. Everyone seems happy but its so cold out. Lots and lots of accidents. THe other day as I was driving it started to snow out. TO bad I live in the flatlands, or Id be bitchin about when I get to go snowboarding. Oh well!!!! LOL can't have everything in life. Going to upgrade my computer here soon. Hopefully. I eventually want an 80GB Hard drive, a new Graphics Card, and a new mother board. I know I should just buy a new computer but, I love my CTX. It might be a peace of shit but it gives me lots of day to day challenges. Oh ya I just found out recently that my ex moved back to Madison and is working at Web Crafters and living with his friend Bill. I dont really care much I just find it intresting that he isn't in jail yet. He bails on everything, friends relatives, and jobs. I dunno, just a thought. My current boyfriend is a thousand times better. He cleans, and takes care of me (and also can take care of himself which is something Brian could never do, Brian couldn't even shower more then once a month) Jim is so sweet. That (and I know he doesn't belive this because he is so critical of himself), but as many guitar players that I know, and as many instruments that I can play, I can honestly say he is really decent and he works hard for what he accomplishes. I'm proud of him everytime he comes home with a new song that Undermine has written and he's all excited its like a kid in a candy store. Im sure that because of his good heart, that helps his music flow through his veins like blue fire. I've never met somebody so ingrained into the music he plays, hears, and annalyzes. Im really amazed sometimes with the questions and thoughts he comes up with. And from what he told me about his guitar experince, I think a lot of it is natrual. Because honestly, he loves playing so much that I think its a huge part of his soul. Maybe I am biased because of how much I care for him, but maybe not. Ive always connected on a higher level with people who are musically inclined. Look at my two closets friends. Pee has played drums nearly all her life and won multiple awards. My Cuz Sara can play piano and trumpet, and has a great ear for very good writers in music. Who knows, there are lots of factors I am sure, but no one can tell me the right one. And on that note, Im going to go work on this page some more..........
What I'm listening to now: Artist: System of a Down Album: Steal this Album Song: Johnny
What I'm listening to now: Artist: System of a Down Album: Steal this Album Song: Johnny
Friday, November 01, 2002
Well I finally got time to put up my new web page. Man am I picky about what it looks like. I dunno Im picky about everything! It was hard to go back home to Ken and Diane Rosslers funeral. I just saw them a few weeks ago, and now there six feet under. It was even harder to know my uncle Harvey Bryant died the same week. But I guess when it rains it pours. I guess it's just a reminder to everyone to live life to the fullest. Everyone down here has been so nice to me since it happened, I feel a bit more excepted here. It's really differnt in LaSalle/Peru compared to Barneveld. I hope someday I get used to it. I don't like living where I don't know where everything is. Jim makes it a little easier, since he is orignally from Louville KY. He knows what its like to not know where anything is. He's a huge help, no wonder I love him so much. On that note I think I should get ready for work. It's getting late.
What I'm listening to now: Artist: Deftones Album: Adrenaline Song: Engine No. 9
What I'm listening to now: Artist: Deftones Album: Adrenaline Song: Engine No. 9