Saturday, November 16, 2002

Ahh man I just took this quiz, you all should try it!!

If i was a Bodily Excretment i would be:
kind of Excretment are you?

Well not much today. Undermine plays in Marselles IL, so if you live close why not come check them out? Its in the bar Cat nips right off the main street across from the Fire station. I dont feel very good but its understandable why. Won't go into details. Not much really to say. Im pretty boring today.
What i'm listening to Now: Mudvaynes New Realease.

Thursday, November 14, 2002

Ick. Its finally starting to feel like fall out. Its pouring outside right now. But it had to come sometime. I am still debateing wether or not to go to the show in Marselles. I think it would be a good idea to go, but by the time the bar closes and I get back home to go to sleep I only get a few hours of sleep before I have to get back up to go to work. Grrrrr decisions desicions....And Im also kinda ticked (Its not VJ's fault) that my graphic card isnt HERE yet!!!! I've waited for almost a week and a half and I still havent got it. Damn post office (and I can say that cause my dad works for em lol). Maybe its because of Vetrans day and the post office is a little backed up. I STILL WANT IT THOUGH!!!!!!! Last night I built to magic the gathering decks with what limited cards I have. My Green deck played relativly well considering its the first deck I have actually got to work. THe Black deck that I made I made quickly. I even got Jim to play with me! It was a lot of fun. Jim is also one of the fastest learners of the game I have ever seen. I am really glad he enjoys playing. It now gives us something else to do together, that we both enjoy. I think he even wants to play tonight as well!!!!!! I told him a while ago that if the geeks had gotten to him sooner, he would have been HUGE into gameing. But I am honestly glad they didn't because he wouldn't be the person he is today. He is so cute, and I love him very much. You should have seen him sleeping last night. He does this lil snore and druel thing that is soooooooooooo aluring. He gently pushes air through his nose and makes the cutest little snores. Oh and the faces he makes!!! I could watch him for hours and not get bored. But on that note, I need to get going. Have a great day!
What I am Listening to Now: Artist: Weezer Album: Pinkerton Song: Pink Triangle

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

Today was fun. It was my day off which was really nice. Bailey was being a little shit this morning. She was running all over the place when I woke up!!!!! I think she just wanted to go outside really badly and chase Mr. squirel. I am still waiting for my graphics card. I do not know why its takeing so long, but its free so I can't bitch to much. I guess I will just have to figure out a differnt way of getting one. Last night was really nice. Jim and I had a long talk and we hadn't had one in a while. Mainly about whats been bothering us, and how well our relationship as a whole is doing. He is so sweet. He doesn't even have to try most of the time. Like today he got home from work, yet he made my lunch. Now how many guys would do that??? Not to many! He is so cute to. Everytime he looks at me he has these soft eyes that just makes my heart melt and a smile pop out of me. Its great haveing someone like that around all the time. Expecially when your haveing a bad day. I give him tons of credit for putting up with me. He honestly does it very well. Even when I snap at him for a little thing, or for somethign he has no control over, he always tries to fix it. That is why no matter what decision he makes on anything I am behind him 1000000%. It's supposed to be that way though. Trust, companionship, and love aren't always enough. Beliving in someone's choices other then your own is a huge step in a relationship. Because that is why most relationships and marriages don't work out. Its because they are extremly selfish and want what they want first, and are unwilling to compromise. For Jim though, I would compromise anything as long as it makes him happy, because I truly love him!!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2002

Today was okay. I had way to much Coffee. Dieareah of the mouth!!! Not much today just finishing up laundry. Hopefully I get to see Undermine play this weekend. ITs kinda doubtful since I got put on the schedule for sunday. Sucky but hey ya know lol. Got some perverted e-mails from my mom today lol. Some of the things she sends me I don't think her daughter should see!!! I got an e-mail from Jen Neumier the other day. She is still haveing trouble with the doctors and her pregnancy. It sucks cause now they think she is farther along then first thought. Before they were telling her she wasn't pregnant and she was HUGE!!!! Not to mention her cousin just died. But I hope it all works out in the end for her. Shes a really good person and deserves to have a decent family. Well thats about it! L8r
What I am listening to Now: Nothing.......

Monday, November 11, 2002

TOday we clean HOUSE!!!!!! Yay!!! Jim and I got bugs up our asses, and decided to fully clean the house. We got sick of it, and we knew after many attempts at trying to clean it, that hopeing that our roomate would pitch in just didn't work. Its like a new house hehehe. Smells all purdy now. Besides the holes in the carpet, the floor looks new lol! Today was a good day, not really much to tell other then it got colder then a witches tity out. Went home this weekend to start planning our trip to Ireland. I can't wait. From the sounds of it we are going to stay in a castle and all that jazz. I also got to meet up with my friend Vedder who I haven't seen in almost 2 years. We were roomates in college up at Mount Scenario in Ladysmith WI. Good times!! We went to a basketball game and watch the lady badgers get there butt HAMMERED. THey aren't gonna win a game this year I am afraid. I guess that is what you call a rebuilding year! Everyone has them (Yes even Barneveld Lady Eagles Basketball has a rebuilding year, they lost most of there games last year lol) even all pro sports team, like the brewers, who have been rebuilding for almost 10 years now lol. I also found out that Mudvaye will be playing the Expo hall in Madison WI when we go home for thanksgiving supper the weekend after thanksgiving. I hope we can go I love Mudvayne!!!! Not to mention taproot rocks pretty damn good too. ANyway back to cleaning!!!!!
What I am Listening to Now: Artist: Led Zeppelin Album: IV Song: Black Dog