Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Hello once again everyone. As you previously know, my sisters graduated from high school. Well...one of them didn't make it. Antoinette "Thoni" Dawn Duffey, age 17, died on June 15 a few days after her graduation. She was in a car accident that slammed into the back of a hay bayler (Which had no lights on, a huge machine, was in the middle of a back wisconsin road, oh and this happened at 9:45pm so it was dark.....stupidity on that person huh?) owned by Dean Oimoen of Barneveld. At the scene they concluded that she had no drugs, no alcohol, and not even nicotine in her body. She was taken by ambulance to Dodgeville Memorial Hospital and treated there for haveing brain swellling and a coma. Later that night she was flown by medflight to University of Wisconsin Hospital in Madison Wisconsin. While in the are she had two strokes and lost all movement in her right side of her body. There she fought long and hard for two days while on life support....and finally early in the morning she lost her fight, and her heart and body just gave out. She was later burried at the Ridgeway Cemetary on June 18. Just 8 days after her high school graduation. If that wasnt enough stress on my family, we then had a fire. Our Combine caught on fire in one of our big sheds (and if you really know me we had a barn fire in 1996). Not even one week after that, my cousin, Derek Bryant had the same accident as Toni did. He went through the windshield of his car....though this time alcohol was involved. He was in a coma for 2 weeks, but they managed to save him. This august we finally had a graduation party for cassie in the shop. Derek came to the party walking. What a Miracle. But, in sadness we shall all pull through. Keep your head up, and be careful. I love you all and please...remember Toni.....Not only was she incredibly smart (ACT score of 30)....but that girl has had short stories and poems published. She was a wonderful person to be around, and I love her very much. And if you see cassie (Since they were so close..inseperable)....please...say hi. Cheer her up maybe. She could use it.
On that note...I sign off....Thank You.....