Wednesday, November 13, 2002

Today was fun. It was my day off which was really nice. Bailey was being a little shit this morning. She was running all over the place when I woke up!!!!! I think she just wanted to go outside really badly and chase Mr. squirel. I am still waiting for my graphics card. I do not know why its takeing so long, but its free so I can't bitch to much. I guess I will just have to figure out a differnt way of getting one. Last night was really nice. Jim and I had a long talk and we hadn't had one in a while. Mainly about whats been bothering us, and how well our relationship as a whole is doing. He is so sweet. He doesn't even have to try most of the time. Like today he got home from work, yet he made my lunch. Now how many guys would do that??? Not to many! He is so cute to. Everytime he looks at me he has these soft eyes that just makes my heart melt and a smile pop out of me. Its great haveing someone like that around all the time. Expecially when your haveing a bad day. I give him tons of credit for putting up with me. He honestly does it very well. Even when I snap at him for a little thing, or for somethign he has no control over, he always tries to fix it. That is why no matter what decision he makes on anything I am behind him 1000000%. It's supposed to be that way though. Trust, companionship, and love aren't always enough. Beliving in someone's choices other then your own is a huge step in a relationship. Because that is why most relationships and marriages don't work out. Its because they are extremly selfish and want what they want first, and are unwilling to compromise. For Jim though, I would compromise anything as long as it makes him happy, because I truly love him!!!


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