Monday, November 11, 2002

TOday we clean HOUSE!!!!!! Yay!!! Jim and I got bugs up our asses, and decided to fully clean the house. We got sick of it, and we knew after many attempts at trying to clean it, that hopeing that our roomate would pitch in just didn't work. Its like a new house hehehe. Smells all purdy now. Besides the holes in the carpet, the floor looks new lol! Today was a good day, not really much to tell other then it got colder then a witches tity out. Went home this weekend to start planning our trip to Ireland. I can't wait. From the sounds of it we are going to stay in a castle and all that jazz. I also got to meet up with my friend Vedder who I haven't seen in almost 2 years. We were roomates in college up at Mount Scenario in Ladysmith WI. Good times!! We went to a basketball game and watch the lady badgers get there butt HAMMERED. THey aren't gonna win a game this year I am afraid. I guess that is what you call a rebuilding year! Everyone has them (Yes even Barneveld Lady Eagles Basketball has a rebuilding year, they lost most of there games last year lol) even all pro sports team, like the brewers, who have been rebuilding for almost 10 years now lol. I also found out that Mudvaye will be playing the Expo hall in Madison WI when we go home for thanksgiving supper the weekend after thanksgiving. I hope we can go I love Mudvayne!!!! Not to mention taproot rocks pretty damn good too. ANyway back to cleaning!!!!!
What I am Listening to Now: Artist: Led Zeppelin Album: IV Song: Black Dog


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